What is decaf coffee?
Some of Cameron’s fans require or choose to fill their mug with decaf coffee or for those of you decaf curious, here are the facts! Our decaffeinated coffees are made using proprietary techniques that extract all nutrients without any bitterness or unpleasant aftertaste.

What is decaf coffee?
Decaf is coffee whose caffeine has been removed prior to roasting. It’s an option for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake for health reasons or simply to sleep better at night. We decaffeinate with Ethyl acetate, which is a natural process that occurs when we roast our beans.
Decaf may be also used by people who have a serious caffeine sensitivity, medical condition, or just want to cut back on caffeine intake.
What does decaf coffee taste like?
You may be thinking, “Decaf coffee? That sounds like a bad thing.” But it’s not. The decaffeination process isn’t as harsh on the beans as other methods of extraction. In fact, it preserves the true taste of the green coffees used in your favorite cups — without all that bitterness!
Decaf coffee is just another way for you to enjoy an excellent cup of coffee without worrying about how long it will take for you to fall asleep after drinking one too many cups during your morning routine (or nightcap).
What makes a decaf coffee taste good?
To answer this question, we have to look at the quality of your coffee. For example: The green coffee beans must be grown in an environment that doesn’t have too much moisture or heat. This will cause them to lose flavor and color as they’re roasted; decaffeinated coffees are roasted at lower temperatures than regular ones, which helps preserve their taste without sacrificing caffeine levels.
Decaf coffee is a good source of antioxidants. It also contains many nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Decaf coffee has been shown to help prevent cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure levels.
Decaffeinating coffee with ethyl acetate is a gentle process that extracts the caffeine from the beans and leaves behind no bitterness, astringency, or other off-flavors associated with drinking unprocessed green coffee.
First, we treat the green coffee beans with steam to extract their silver skin (which naturally contains some caffeine) and increase their water content. This makes them easier to work with when processing in order for us to remove all of their natural caffeine content during decaffeination.
We then use ethyl acetate as our solvent for removing both physical and chemical components including alkaloids like chlorogenic acid which are often present in dark roast coffees but not found in lighter roasts due to their lower oxidation levels at higher temperatures used during the roasting process.
Is there caffeine in your decaffeinated coffee?
Since caffeine is naturally found in the coffee plant, all decaffeinated coffees have minimal amounts of the substance. We guarantee our decaffeinated coffees to be 97% caffeine free.