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Coffee Popsicles

Summer days can be sweltering and, sometimes, a hot cup of coffee isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. If you love your Cameron’s but want a cooler way to enjoy your coffee during the dog days of summer, we’ve got you covered!

To escape the heat and humidity that’s on from sunrise to sunset, Susan, our summer intern, whipped up this delightful (& super easy to make) Coffee Popsicle recipe! Perfect for an afternoon pick me up, a way to cool down at the cabin, or make decaf popsicles for a refreshing dessert!


Coffee Popsicles

For use with a drip brewer. Depending on molds, should make 8 popsicles.


  • 48 ounces (eight 6oz cups) of water
  • 10 tablespoons Ground Vanilla Hazelnut Cameron’s coffee
  • 1 ½ cups 2% milk (can alter according to preferences)
  • ¼ cup sugar


  • First, brew your favorite Cameron’s Coffee blend—we suggest using Cameron’s Vanilla Hazelnut, or for the purists, Velvet Moon—with 8 cups of water and 10 tablespoons of grounds, giving a stronger brew.
    • Don’t worry if your brewer cannot fit 10 tablespoons, just brew as many tablespoons at a time as your brewer can hold cleanly!
  • Once the coffee is done brewing, add in ¼ cup sugar. Whisk sugar until it’s dissolved. Then, cool in your freezer until the coffee is chilled, about an hour.
  • Then add 1 ½ cups milk into the coffee & sugar liquid and pour mixture into your popsicle molds.
    • If you’re feeling funky, stir in a little cinnamon or a few mini chocolate chips into the molds along with the coffee-milk mixture.
  • Place popsicles in the freezer for at least 8 hours to harden.
  • Once the popsicles are completely frozen and easily come out of the molds, take them outside and enjoy your #SpecialtySummer with friends and family!


Looking for another way to enjoy iced coffee? Instead of popsicle molds, use ice cube trays to make coffee ice cubes. Fill a glass up with your coffee cubes and pour milk to the level of the ice cubes for a creamy coffee drink. Pro tip for the adults: Splash in a little white rum and enjoy our take on the Dude’s famous White Russian!

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