Happy Waffle Day!
This Swedish celebration takes place each year on March 25. Originally, Waffle Day was a celebration of Vårfrudagen, or “Our Lady’s Day”, a recognition in Catholic traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Annunciation. In certain regions of Sweden, the pronunciation of Vårfrudagen sounded so similar to Våffeldagen (Waffle Day) that eventually Swedes started calling it Waffle Day and celebrating by eating waffles!
America does have its own waffle day on August 24, but with all the Scandinavians here in our home state of Minnesota, how could we pass up an opportunity to eat breakfast sweets and drink piping hot coffee? Especially here at Cameron’s Coffee, where we’ve got the perfect blend to celebrate with, our Organic Scandinavian Blend!
Cameron’s Organic Scandinavian Blend is balanced and mellow, with a rich, creamy mouthfeel. It’s the perfect Nordic-themed brew to thaw you out after a long winter, and certainly the perfect brew for Waffle Day!
We hope you celebrate your Waffle Day with lots of syrup and a big ol’ cup of your favorite Cameron’s Coffee 😊 Cheers!