Kitchen Bar Set Up

Creating Your At-Home Coffee Sanctuary

Start your day off right with a hot cup of Cameron’s in your very own coffee sanctuary!

1. Dedicate a space for your sanctuary

Find an area for your sanctuary on your kitchen counter, sitting room or other space in your home. You could even create a mini sanctuary in your guest room or use a serving tray to make your sanctuary mobile!

2. Gather all brewing materials

Grab your brewer (or components of your chosen brewing method, like a pour-over and electric kettle) and all the tools needed to brew and serve up your coffee. Don’t forget the Cameron’s!

3. Add personal touches

Get creative here! Your coffee routine sets the tone for the rest of the day, so how can you infuse some inspiration and positivity into this space? Do you have a daily journal, favorite inspirational quote or cute mug you can add? Make it your own and have some fun!

4. Start brewing & share your sanctuary!

We’re featuring YOUR at-home coffee sanctuaries on our Instagram next month. Snap a pic and share your space with us. Contest winner will receive a case of Cameron’s Coffee and an electric pour over kettle to supplement their coffee sanctuary. Stay tuned to our Instagram for details!

We can’t wait to see how our Cameron’s community enjoys their morning cup. Happy brewing!

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